Arduboy Web Flasher

Update your Arduboy FX with one click!
Get the most up to date collection of all the games!


File Select
Whole Enchilada.bin
- or -
Drag & Drop your own hex bin or arduboy file anywhere on the page


Connect your Arduboy FX to USB and power on, then click the Upload button.
The Arduboy FX must be in the bootloader menu to perform the upload.


.hex files are individual Arduboy games created using Arduino or download from the Arduboy Community.
.bin files are a collection of Arduboy games, to be stored on the external memory of the Arduboy FX.
Create .bin files using the Online Cart Builder or Mr. Blinky's Arduboy Python Utilities.
.arduboy files contain both the .hex and .bin files needed to publish an Arduboy FX game. Learn more about the .arduboy format.
For all of your more advanced and offline Arduboy needs please see: Arduboy Toolset

Thank you to Mr. Blinky, Haloopdy and Benjamin Naigener!